What I'm Wearing and Where I Got It:
1. Shirt: Tan Abercrombie t-shirt - FC
2. Skirt: Black high waist pencil Cheap Monday skirt - FC
3. Belt: (same) vintage brown etched belt - thrifted
4. Wedges: (same again) Pink Studio black and brown lattice wedge - FC
5. Jewelry: handmade feather in bullet shell casing earrings, vintage gold rings - FC. gifted from: mom, boyfriend's grandma
Here is a close up of the amazing detail on this skirt I'm wearing:
(I don't have the suspenders...yuck)
Here, even cooler, is the back detailing:
So yeah, the fabric kind of sticks up above the actual waist part (and belt that I'm wearing) and I just love it! Boyfriend thinks all the high waist things I wear are funny but I love them all oh so much.
I also want to share with you this vintage cloisonne pair of unicorn earrings I won on ebay last night. This is my first ebay try/success/purchase/etc. so very exciting!
Wow that was huge! And, while bidding on these beauties, I found an actual picture of my tacky unicorn earrings from a previous post so here they are for all your viewing pleasure:
Ok well that one didn't work very well. As my sister knows, I'm not very tech-savvy...you might actually say I'm tech-stupid. Real pictures to come, I promise!
Very cute outfit. Love your unicorn earrings.
Very cute!
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